These spiritual healing cards have come at this time to help us adapt to the new energies coming through on this planet and to help us become who we truly are. Each card contains a symbol which is the frequency signature of one of our Vibrant Essences. They number 35 in total and were made over 10 years, in highly energetically charged sacred places.
They are suitable for those on their spiritual development path, or who would simply like to be and feel well.
The beautiful boxed set comes complete with a 92 page explanatory booklet. You can learn
Product Price: £19.95 + £5.00 P+P
Excerpt from the introduction:
"At the core of our being is a vibrant energy that both sustains and defines us.
Traditional cultures teach practices to enhance this energy so that it effectively nourishes every cell of our body and radiates outwards to reflect the light being that we are.
However, our modern lifestyle has tended to bypass the spiritual aspect of our physical self, leading to physical symptoms or dis-ease which are our body's attempt to alert us to these spiritual aspects or issues that we have ignored.
The 35 Vibrant Essence Cards in this set, developed from our Vibrant Essences, were designed to deal with this by enhancing the flow of vital energy within our body so that we may more wholeheartedly participate in this life, which is our pathway to spiritual development.
These sacred cards are not for divination but for spiritual healing."
-Living Harmony